ACORUS BALANCE Collagen Beauty Shots 25 ml ampoules, 14 pcs.

ACORUS BALANCE Collagen Beauty Shots 25 ml ampoules, 14 pcs.

31.99 €
Expiration date: 2027-09-30
For women and men who want to restore the skin's elasticity, moisture and complain of deterioration of the skin, hair and nails.
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For women and men who want to restore the elasticity and moisture of the skin and complain about the deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

For those who have never used collagen products before.

In order to stop skin aging processes, we recommend using the nutritional supplement from the age of 25, but if a person lives in a city where there is a lot of air pollution, stress, smog, does not drink enough water, or tends to get sunburned, you can start using it earlier.

Zinc helps maintain skin health.

Zinc and selenium help maintain healthy hair and nails.

Copper helps maintain normal hair and skin pigmentation.

Zinc, manganese, selenium and copper contribute to the protection of cells against oxidative stress.

Collagen is a protein that is naturally synthesized in the human body. This protein is one of the most important elements of the skin and makes up more than 70% of the skin's weight. Hyaluronic acid is also naturally present in the human body. Collagen and hyaluronic acid play an important role in the formation of connective tissue structure

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1222445 ACORUS BALANCE Collagen Beauty Shots 25 ml ampulas, 14 gab. InStock 31.99 EUR ACORUS BALANCE 31.99 <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="371" style="border-collapse: collapse;width:278pt"><tbody><tr height="482" style="mso-height-source:userset;height:361.5pt"> <td height="482" class="xl135" width="371" style="height:361.5pt;width:278pt"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Kam piemērots COLLAGEN BEAUTY SHOTS?</span><br> <br> Sievietēm&nbsp; un vīriešiem, kuri vēlas atjaunot ādas elastību, mitrumu un sūdzas par ādas, matu, nagu stāvokļa pasliktināšanos.<br> <br> Tiem, kuri nekad iepriekš nav lietojuši kolagēna produktus.<br> <br> Lai apturētu ādas novecošanās procesus - uztura bagātinātāju iesakām lietot no 25 gadu vecuma, bet, ja cilvēks dzīvo pilsētā, kur ir liels gaisa piesārņojums, stress, smogs, nedzer pietiekami daudz ūdeni, vai mēdz gūt saules apdegumus - var sākt lietot to agrāk.<br> <br> Cinks palīdz uzturēt ādas veselību.<br> <br> Cinks un selēns palīdz uzturēt matu un nagu veselību.<br> <br> Varš palīdz uzturēt normālu matu un ādas pigmentāciju.<br> <br> Cinks, mangāns, selēns un varš veicina šūnu aizsardzību pret oksidatīvo stresu.<br> <br> Kolagēns ir olbaltumviela, kas dabiski tiek sintezēta cilvēka ķermenī. Šī olbaltumviela ir viens no svarīgākajiem ādas elementiem un veido vairāk nekā 70 % ādas svara. Arī hialuronskābe dabiski atrodas cilvēka organismā. Kolagēnam un hialuronskābei ir nozīmīga loma saistaudu struktūras veidošanā.</td></tr></tbody></table> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas/Minerālvielu kompleksi/Matiem, ādai un nagiem 0 For men