ACTI FRESH from the unpleasant odour of feet and shoes aerosol, 100 ml

ACTI FRESH from the unpleasant odour of feet and shoes aerosol, 100 ml

5.0 5 (2 reviews)
11.99 €
11.99 €/Ml
Promotion period 02.01.2025 - 18.01.2025
15.99 €
Expiration date: 2027-07-30
The product helps to eliminate the unpleasant odor of the feet and prevents it from occurring for 7 days. Can also be used by spraying into shoes.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Unlike other products of this type, ActiFresh does not mask the unpleasant odor of the feet, but destroys the bacteria that cause it. This agent creates an antibacterial environment in which bacteria cannot multiply for up to 7 days.
It allows the skin of the feet to breathe. Effective even when actively playing sports or wearing synthetic material shoes. It is suitable for the whole family.
Extremely easy to use (can be sprayed even by turning the vial upside down).

123409 ACTI FRESH pret nepatīkamu pēdu un apavu aromātu aerosols, 100 ml InStock 15.99 EUR ACTI FRESH 15.99 <p>Atšķirībā no citiem šāda veida produktiem ActiFresh nemaskē pēdu nepatīkamo aromātu, bet gan iznīcina to izraisošās baktērijas. Šis līdzeklis rada antibakteriālu vidi, kurā baktērijas nevar vairoties līdz pat 7 dienām.<br />Tas ļauj kāju ādai elpot. Efektīvs, pat aktīvi sportojot vai valkājot sintētiska materiāla apavus. Tas ir piemērots visai ģimenei.<br />Īpaši ērti lietojams (var izsmidzināt, pat apvēršot flakonu otrādi).</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Ķermeņa ādas kopšana/Aniperspiranti, dezodoranti 0 For women, For men