ADAM & EVA Happiness capsules, 90 pcs.

ADAM & EVA Happiness capsules, 90 pcs.

Regular price: 29.59 €
17.75 €
29.59 €
Expiration date: 2026-01-30
Adam & Eva HAPPINESS food supplement is enriched with Hemp seed oil, Vitamin B6, which contributes to the normal functioning of nervous system and to normal psychological function; with Vitamin E, that helps protect cells from oxidative stress, and Vitamin A that contributes to the normal functioning of immune system.
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Adam & Eva HAPPINESS food supplement is enriched with Hemp seed oil, Vitamin B6, which contributes to the normal functioning of nervous system and to normal psychological function; with Vitamin E, that helps protect cells from oxidative stress, and Vitamin A that contributes to the normal functioning of immune system.

Normal mood, Mental well-being and relaxation (Griffonia extract)

HAPPINESS food supplement is enriched with Hemp seed oil, Vitamin B6, which contributes to the normal functioning of nervous system and to normal psychological function; with Vitamin E,
that helps protect cells from oxidative stress, and Vitamin A that contributes to the normal functioning of immune system. AVERAGE CONTENTS MG/2 SOFTGELS %NRV*/ 2 SOFTGELS
Hemp seed oil/ 760 mg Vitamin E 12 mg α-TE 100% Vitamin A 800 μg RE 100% flavoured with Linalool
and Beta Caryophyllene Griffonia seed dry extract tit. min. 25% in 5-HTP 160 mg Vitamin B6 1,4 mg 100% %NRV* = percentage of nutrient reference values
(EU Regulation n. 1169/2011) Net Weight 67 g

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1146088 ADAM & EVA Happiness kapsulas, 90 gab. InStock 17.75 EUR ADAM & EVA 29.59 <p>Adam&amp;Eva HAPPINESS ir uztura bagātinātājs, kura pamatā ir Grifonijas ekstrakts un kas veicina garīgo labsajūtu un relaksāciju, atjaunojot normālu garastāvokli. Adam &amp; Eva HAPPINESS ir bagātināts ar kaņepju sēklu eļļu un B6 vitamīnu, kas veicina normālu nervu sistēmas darbību un psiholoģiskās funkcijas , E vitamīnu, kas veicina šūnu aizsardzību pret oksidatīvo stresu un A vitamīnu, kas veicina normālu imūnsistēmas darbību, aromatizēts ar , linalolu un beta-kariofilēnu.</p> <p>NESATUR GLUTĒNU BEZ CUKURA VEGĀNA FORMULA<br /><br />Glutēna saturs &lt; 5 mg/kg Cukura saturs &lt; 0.5 g/100 g<br /><br /><br />Sastāvs mg/<br />2 mīkstās kapsulas <br /><br />%NRV*/<br />2 mīkstās kapsulas<br /><br />Kaņepju sēklu eļļa 760 mg <br />E Vitamīns 12 mg α-TE 100%<br />A Vitamīns 800 µg RE 100%<br />aromatizēts ar linalolu un beta-kariofilēnu <br />Grifonijas sēklu sausais ekstrakts titr. min. 25% ar 5-HTP 160 mg <br />B6 Vitamīns 1,4 mg 100 %<br />*% NRV = uzturvielu atsauces vērtības ( Regula (ES) Nr. 1169/2011)<br /><br />Neto masa: 67 g<br /><br /></p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas/Minerālvielu kompleksi/Nervu sistēmai 40 For men