B.WELL PRO-35 + adapter upper arm blood pressure monitor, 1 pcs.
4.6 4.6 (15 reviews)

B.WELL PRO-35 + adapter upper arm blood pressure monitor, 1 pcs.

4.6 4.6 (15 reviews)
37.49 €
B.Well PRO-35 tonometer – a safe helper for those who monitor their blood pressure. The PRO-35 will perform an accurate measurement and immediately evaluate the result.
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Automatic tonometer B.Well PRO-35 – a safe helper for those who monitor their pressure. The PRO-35 will perform an accurate measurement and immediately evaluate the result. A special scale on the display shows the pressure level - optimal, increased or high. Tonometer - the PRO-35 machine is comfortable and has convenient functions. Extended memory for 30 measurements, allows you to keep an electronic pressure diary for 2 weeks. The arrhythmia indicator will notify you of heart rhythm disturbances during the measurement. If during arterial pressure measurement, the tonometer detects pulse instability and recognizes an arrhythmia, it reflects this on the display with a special symbol. B.Well technology detects the very first signs of arrhythmia, allowing you to consult a specialist in time and prevent heart diseases that are just starting to develop. Thanks to the anatomical cuff, B.Well measurements are comfortable and fast. Providing comfortable measurement and accurate result. When starting the measurement, the tonometer determines the optimal pressure level of the cuff for each specific person. The correct level of pressure in the cuff allows you to get an accurate result, avoid too much compression of the hand. Universal cuff - can be used by people of different complexions.


123383 B.WELL PRO-35 + adapteris augšdelma tonometrs, 1 gab. https://e-menessaptieka.lv/et/p/b-well-pro-35-adapter-upper-arm-blood-pressure-monitor-1-pcs-123383 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/2b/b7/abcc6d4de9aea5fa17d9bc1da1de.png InStock 37.49 EUR B.WELL 49.99 <p>Automātiskais tonometrs ir B.Well PRO-35 – drošs palīgs tiem, kas seko savam spiedienam. PRO-35 veiks precīzu mērījumu un uzreiz novērtēs rezultātu. Speciāla skala displejā parāda spiediena līmeni – optimālu, paaugstinātu vai augstu. Tonometrs – PRO-35 automāts ir komfortabls un tam ir ērtas funkcijas. Paplašināta atmiņa uz 30 mērījumiem, ļauj veidot elektronisko spiediena dienasgrāmatu par 2 nedēļām. Aritmijas indikators paziņos par sirds ritma traucējumiem mērīšanas laikā. Ja arteriālā spiediena mērīšanas laikā tonometrs atklāj pulsa nestabilitāti un atpazīst aritmiju, tas to atspoguļo uz displeja ar speciālu simbolu. Tehnoloģija B.Well atklāj pašas pirmās aritmijas pazīmes, ļaujot savlaicīgi vērsties pie speciālista un novērst sirds slimības, kas tikko sāk veidoties. Pateicoties anatomiskai manšetei B.Well mērījumi notiek komfortabli un ātri. Nodrošinot komfortablu mērīšanu un precīzu rezultātu. Sākot mērīšanu, tonometrs nosaka manšetes optimālo spiediena līmeni katram konkrētajam cilvēkam. Pareizs spiediena līmenis manšetē ļauj iegūt precīzu rezultātu, izvairīties no pārāk lielas rokas saspiešanas. Universālā manšete – derēs ikvienam.</p> <p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ot09XwFmCk&amp;ab_channel=B.WellSwissGlobal">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ot09XwFmCk&amp;ab_channel=B.WellSwissGlobal</a></p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medicīnas preces/Medicīniskās ierīces/Asinsspiediena mērītāji/Augšdelma 25