BEAUTY JAR 2in1 Shower Power shampoo/shower gel, 100 ml
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BEAUTY JAR 2in1 Shower Power shampoo/shower gel, 100 ml

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Regular price: 1.99 €
1.39 €
1.99 €
Expiration date: 2026-07-30
2in1 Shampoo and Shower gel for everyone.
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2in1 Shampoo and Shower gel for everyone. Green coffee - a powerful antioxidant, it tones the skin and moisturises the skin and hair. Algae extract moisturises hair and skin and protects against moisture loss from the skin.

1152600 BEAUTY JAR 2in1 Shower Power šampūns/dušas želeja, 100 ml InStock 1.39 EUR BEAUTY JAR 1.99 <p>Šampūns un dušas gels 2in1. Zaļā kafija - spēcīgs antioksidants, tā tonizē ādu un nodrošina ādas un matu mitrināšanu. Aļģu ekstrakts mitrina matus un ādu, kā arī pasargā to no mitruma zuduma.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Ķermeņa ādas kopšana/Mazgāšanas līdzekļi 30 For women, For men