BELLA Refreshing With Panthenol wet wipes, 10 pcs.
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BELLA Refreshing With Panthenol wet wipes, 10 pcs.

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0.99 €
Expiration date: 2027-02-28
Wet wipes gently clean and refresh the skin of the face and body, suitable for daily use.
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With BELLA's refreshing wet wipes, you can always feel confidently fresh!

Main features:

– Gentle, perfectly cleanses the skin;

– Without parabens;

– Does not contain alcohol, which can dry the skin;

– With a light green tea aroma;

– Dermatologically tested.

1152107 BELLA Refreshing With Panthenol mitrās salvetes, 10 gab. InStock 0.99 EUR BELLA 0.99 <p>Ar BELLA atsvaidzinošajām mitrajām salvetēm vienmēr varat justies pārliecinoši svaigi!</p><p>Galvenās īpašības:</p><p>– Maigas, teicami attīra ādu;</p><p>– Bez parabēniem;</p><p>– Nesatur alkoholu, kas var sausināt ādu;</p><p>– Ar vieglu zaļās tējas aromātu;</p><p>– Dermatoloģiski pārbaudītas.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Higiēnas preces/Pieaugušajiem/Vispārējās higiēnas preces 0 For women, For men