BISILVALOE spray, 125 ml
(1 review)
BISILVALOE spray, 125 ml
(1 review)
17.29 €
13.83 €/Ml
17.29 €
Expiration date: 2027-05-31
BiSilvAloe spray - absorbent mineral powder spray with 2.5% silver ion and aloe vera. For use on wounds, abrasions, minor burns, skin cuts, etc., prevents the formation of exudate, creating a clean and moist environment that facilitates the natural healing process, protecting the site from the growth of exogenous microbes.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
Product prices can vary in pharmacies
BiSilvAloe spray - absorbent mineral powder spray with 2.5% silver ion and aloe vera. For use on wounds, abrasions, minor burns, skin cuts, etc., prevents the formation of exudate, creating a clean and moist environment that facilitates the natural healing process, protecting the site from the growth of exogenous microbes. The presence of silver ions prevents microbiological contamination of the device. The product covers the treated skin area, does not rub off and is easily removed using saline. If necessary, ensure that the product remains on the wound using sterile gauze or a breathable dressing.
Does not contain products derived from animal tissue (collagen, keratin, elastin, etc.).
BISILVALOE sprejs, 125 ml
<div><span style="font-size: 13px;">BiSilvAloe spray - absorbējošs minerālu pulvera aerosols ar 2,5% sudraba jonu un alveju. Lietošanai uz brūcēm, nobrāzumiem, nelieliem apdegumiem, ādas iegriezumiem u. c., novērš eksudāta veidošanos, radot tīru un mitru vidi, kas atvieglo dabisko dzīšanas procesu, pasargājot attiecīgo vietu no eksogēno mikrobu vairošanās. Sudraba jonu klātbūtne novērš ierīces mikrobioloģisko piesārņojumu. Produkts pārklāj apstrādāto ādas laukumu, nenoberžas un ir viegli noņemams, izmantojot fizioloģisko šķīdumu. Ja nepieciešams, nodrošiniet produkta saglabāšanos uz brūces, izmantojot sterilu marli vai elpojošu pārsēju.</span></div><div><span style="font-size: 13px;">Nesatur no dzīvnieku audiem iegūtus produktus (kolagēnu, keratīnu, elastīnu u. c.).</span></div><div><span style="white-space: pre; font-size: 13px; white-space: normal;"> </span></div>
Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medicīnas preces/Pirmā palīdzība/Brūces un apdegumi