CRYSTALLOVE Tiger eye 3D massage roller, 1 pcs.
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CRYSTALLOVE Tiger eye 3D massage roller, 1 pcs.

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40.16 €
Tiger eye 3D facial massage roller.
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Create your own personal care ritual with the CRYSTALLOVE luxury facial massager. The massager is equipped with two large massage tips, provides an immediate massage and lymphatic drainage effect, reduces wrinkles and fine lines, while creating skin lifting and firmness. The notched 3D surface unlocks lymphatic obstructions and improves blood circulation. The skin quickly becomes nourished and radiant. The natural coolness of the stone from which the products are made reduces swelling and dark circles under the eyes. Ideal for all skin types.

1038845 CRYSTALLOVE Tiger eye 3D masāžas rullītis, 1 gab. InStock 40.16 EUR CRYSTALLOVE 40.16 <p style="text-align:justify;">Izveidojiet savu personīgo kopšanas rituālu ar <em>CRYSTALLOVE</em> zīmola luksusa sejas masiera palīdzību. Masieris ir aprīkots ar diviem lieliem masāžas uzgaļiem, sniedz tūlītēju masāžas un limfātiskās drenāžas efektu, samazina krunciņas un smalkas līnijas, vienlaikus radot ādas liftingu un tvirtumu. Robaina 3D virsma atbloķē limfātiskos nosprostojumus un uzlabo asins cirkulāciju. Āda ātri kļūst barota un mirdzoša. Dabiskais akmens vēsums, no kura ir izgatavoti produkti, reducē tūsku un tumšos lokus zem acīm. Ideāls visiem ādas veidiem.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Aksesuāri/Sejai 0 For women, For men