DR.TEREŠKO Health Tea for Women loose tea, 64 g
5.0 5 (4 reviews)

DR.TEREŠKO Health Tea for Women loose tea, 64 g

5.0 5 (4 reviews)
5.29 €
Expiration date: 2027-01-27
Contains plants with properties to normalize the monthly cycle, as well as properties to reduce pain and inflammation.
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Contains plants with properties to normalize the monthly cycle, as well as properties to reduce pain and inflammation.

The specific physiological processes of the female body depend not only on hormonal levels, but also on the general state of health, which can be improved by taking teas from medicinal plants. You can also act on the level of hormones, only herbal medicine in such cases should be very individual.

Tea for WOMEN contains plants that reduce excessive bleeding and normalize the monthly cycle (cuff, shepherd's purse, wormwood), St. or other manipulations.
St. John's wort also has a tonic effect and improves mood.

This tea contains milk thistle - a plant that strengthens the work of the heart, tones up the intestinal tract. In folk medicine, this plant is used to eliminate inflammation and disruption of the kidneys, and the kidneys and human reproductive organs, as you know, are combined into one system, therefore, milk thistle reduces inflammation in these organs and improves the well-being of a woman.

Icelandic moss acts against all sorts of inflammations, which is one of the strongest natural antibiotics and that is why it is included in the tea. It prevents microbes from multiplying and, by eliminating possible inflammatory processes, increases the possibility of getting pregnant.

1201927 DR.TEREŠKO Veselības tēja Sievietēm beramā tēja, 64 g https://e-menessaptieka.lv/et/p/dr-teresko-health-tea-for-women-loose-tea-64-g-1201927 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/4e/26/23eb637c572c640449ba5ec30538.png InStock 5.29 EUR DR.TEREŠKO 5.29 <p style="text-align:justify;">Satur augus, kam ir ikmēneša ciklu regulējošas, pretiekaisuma, kā arī sāpes mazinošas īpašības. Sastāvā ir augi, kas samazina pārmērīgu asiņošanu un normalizē ikmēneša ciklu (raskrēsliņš, ganu plikstiņš un vībotne). Asinszālei ir konstatēta arī tonizējoša un garastāvokli uzlabojoša iedarbība. Šīs tējas sastāvā ietilpst baltdadzis - augs, kas pastiprina sirdsdarbību, tonizē zarnu trakta darbību; šo augu tautas medicīnā lieto arī nieru darbības traucējumu un iekaisuma novēršanai. Pret dažāda veida iekaisumiem darbojas arī Islandes ķērpis, kas ir viens no spēcīgākajiem dabas antibiotiķiem un tieši tādēļ ir iekļauts tējas sastāvā. Tas neļauj vairoties mikrobiem un, novēršot varbūtējos iekaisuma procesus.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas/Tējas un pārtika/Zāļu tējas 0 For women