ELFIMEST 20 mg pills, 14 pcs.
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ELFIMEST 20 mg pills, 14 pcs.

5.39 €
Expiration date: 2026-10-31
Elfimest contains the active ingredient esomeprazole.
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Elfimest contains the active ingredient esomeprazole. It belongs to a group of medicines called proton pump inhibitors. This medicine works by decreasing the amount of acid produced in the stomach. This medication is used in adults to temporarily treat reflux symptoms (such as heartburn and acid reflux).

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1059294 ELFIMEST 20 mg tabletes, 14 gab. https://e-menessaptieka.lv/et/p/elfimest-20-mg-pills-14-pcs-1059294 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/47/84/cb488dc1861f7bc0a66e2a20153b.png InStock 5.39 EUR ELFIMEST 5.39 <p style="text-align:justify;">Elfimest satur aktīvo vielu esomeprazolu. Tas pieder pie zāļu grupas, ko sauc par „protonu sūkņa inhibitoriem”. Šīs zāles darbojas, samazinot kuņģī veidotās skābes daudzumu. Šīs zāles lieto pieaugušajiem īslaicīgai atviļņa simptomu (piemēram, grēmu un skābes atviļņa) ārstēšanai.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medikamenti/Gremošanas sistēma/Dedzināšana, atvilnis un sāpes 0 Esomeprazolum