Anti-aging day cream for skin that shows premature and developed signs of aging. Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler + Elasticity Day SPF 30 is an anti-aging day cream that improves skin’s elasticity, plumps up deep wrinkles, and corrects dark spots. The unique formula delivers multiple anti-aging benefits. The new Collagen-Elastin Complex, a powerful combination of Arctiin and Creatine, re-energizes collagen production and increases skin’s elasticity. Thiamidol reduces the appearance of dark spots. Eucerin’s innovative blend of both high and low molecular Hyaluronic Acid visibly plumps deep wrinkles. For skin that is smoother, more radiant, and visibly younger looking. The day cream also contains SPF 30 and a UVA filter to effectively prevent UV-induced premature skin aging and deepening of wrinkles
EUCERIN Hyaluron-Filler +Elasticity SPF 30 Day face cream, 50 ml

EUCERIN Hyaluron-Filler +Elasticity SPF 30 Day face cream, 50 ml
(78 reviews)
30.77 €
61.54 €/Ml
30 days lowest price:
47.49 €
51.29 €
102.58 €/Ml
Regular price: 51.29 €
51.29 €
Expiration date: 2029-09-30
Formulated with Collagen-Elastin Complex to increase the skin's elasticity, and Thiamidol to reduce the appearance of dark spots. Specially designed to reduce both early and developed signs of aging.
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EUCERIN Hyaluron-Filler + Elasticity SPF 30 dienas sejas krēms, 50 ml
<p style="text-align:justify;">Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler + Elasticity dienas krēms ar SPF 30 ir dienas krēms pret novecošanos, kas piepilda dziļas grumbas, uzlabo ādas elastību un koriģē vecuma plankumus.</p><p style="text-align:justify;">Unikālā formula cīnās pret ādas novecošanos un nodrošina vairākus ieguvumus. Eucerin inovatīvā augstas un zemas molekulmasas hialuronskābes kombinācija redzami aizpilda dziļās grumbas. Jaunais kolagēna-elastīna komplekss, spēcīga arktīna un kreatīna kombinācija, veicina kolagēna ražošanu un uzlabo ādas elastību. Tiamidols samazina vecuma plankumu parādīšanos. Ādai izskatās jaunāka, kļūst gludāka un mirdzošāka.</p><p style="text-align:justify;">Dienas krēms satur arī SPF 30 un UVA filtru, lai efektīvi novērstu UV izraisītu priekšlaicīgu ādas novecošanos un grumbu padziļināšanos.</p><p style="text-align:justify;">Klīniskajos un dermatoloģiskajos pētījumos ir pierādīta ļoti laba iedarbība un saderība ar ādu. </p>
Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Sejas krēmi
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