EUCERIN Sun Allergy Protect Spf 50 sunscreen, 150 ml
4.3 4.3 (4 reviews)

EUCERIN Sun Allergy Protect Spf 50 sunscreen, 150 ml

4.3 4.3 (4 reviews)
17.99 €
11.99 €/Ml
Regular price: 29.99 €
29.99 €
Expiration date: 2026-03-30
Eucerin’s Advanced Spectral Technology offers high factor UVA/UVB protection and HEVIS light defense. Alpha-Glycosylrutin helps to prevent sun-induced allergies such as PLE.
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Eucerin® Sun Allergy Protect Sun Allergy Protect Cream-Gel SPF 50+ is intended for sun-sensitive and sun-allergic skin such as polymorphic light dermatosis (PLE) on the face and body. UV rays are the main cause of sun damage to the skin, but high-energy visible light (HEV) can also trigger the formation of skin-damaging free radicals. Therefore, modern sunscreens must protect against both UV rays and high-energy visible light. The cream gel has extremely high protection against UV rays: UVA and UVB filters meet the high requirements of Cosmetics Europe, and the level of UVA protection is higher than that recommended by the EU. Contains a combination of broad-spectrum and photostable UVA/UVB filters to protect against UV rays, and licochalcone A to help neutralize free radicals caused by UV and HEV light. It also contains alphaglycosyl rutin, which helps prevent sun allergies such as PLE. The product does not contain fragrances to reduce the risk of skin irritation. Leaves no greasy and sticky feeling, absorbs quickly and is waterproof. Contains no UV filters octinoxate and oxybenzone, which are known to harm corals. Clinical and dermatological studies have confirmed that the product is very well tolerated by skin prone to sun allergies, such as PLE.

1058936 EUCERIN Sun Allergy Protect Spf 50 saules aizsarglīdzeklis, 150 ml InStock 29.99 EUR EUCERIN 29.99 <p style="text-align:justify;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: docs-Calibri; font-size: 15px; text-align: left; white-space-collapse: preserve;">Sejai un ķermenim. Aizsargā pret alerģiju no saules un saules izraisītiem ādas bojājumiem. Patīkama tekstūra, nav taukains, nav lipīgs, ātri iesūcas ādā, ūdens noturīgs. Bez smaržas, lai samazinātu ādas kairinājuma risku. SPF 50 – augsta aizsardzība. EUCERIN® inovācija aizsardzībai pret sauli: UV starojums ir galvenais saules izraisītu ādas bojājumu cēlonis. Papildus UV, arī HEV (high-energy visible) starojums var veicināt brīvo radikāļu veidošanos, radot stresu ādai. Eucerin ar Progresīvo Spektrālo tehonoloģiju apvieno UVA/UVB filtrus augstai UV aizsardzībai un Likohalkonu A, lai neitralizētu brīvos radikāļus, kas radušies UV un HEV starojuma ietekmē. Sastāvs ar Alfa-Glikozilrutīnu palīdz novērst saules izraisītas alerģijas. Klīniskie un dermatoloģiskie pētījumi pierāda: ļoti laba saderība ar ādu pacientiem ar alerģijām pret sauli.</span><br></p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sauļošanās kosmētika/Saules aizsarglīdzekļi 0 For women, For men