FENIVIR 1% cream, 2 g
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FENIVIR 1% cream, 2 g

9.98 €
Expiration date: 2026-06-30
Fenivir is a cream used in case of Herpes simplex infections on the skin and lips (Herpes labialis).
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Fenivir is a cream used in case of Herpes simplex infections on the skin and lips (Herpes labialis). The medicine contains the antiviral agent penciclovir effective against the Herpes simplex virus. Oral herpes is caused by the virus Herpes simplex. The virus remains passive in your organism for a long period of time, but can begin reproducing under certain conditions and cause cold sores, usually on or around the lips. This can happen, for instance, in case of exhaustion, cold or the flu, or if you have been in strong sunlight. Penciclovir blocks the virus and inhibits its reproduction. Using Fenivir will accelerate the recovery from a Herpes simplex infection even if you start using the medicine only after the appearance of sores. In addition, it will reduce the time when the cold sore is infectious and painful. 

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1065864 FENIVIR 1% krēms, 2 g https://e-menessaptieka.lv/et/p/fenivir-1-krems-2g-1065864 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/3c/af/466663af1fc8167fac5f947b910e.png InStock 9.98 EUR FENIVIR 9.98 <p>Fenivir lieto aukstumpumpu (herpes labialis) ārstēšanai. Aukstumpumpas izraisa vīrusa infekcija. Vīruss ilgstoši var būt neaktīvs, taču, kad tas aktivizējas, tas vairojas un izraisa aukstumpumpu. Tas var notikt, piemēram, tad, ja esat ļoti noguris(-usi), ja Jums ir saaukstēšanās vai gripa, vai arī ja esat uzturējies(-usies) intensīvā saules gaismā. Vīruss izraisa sāpīgus pūslīšus uz lūpām.&nbsp;<br></p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medikamenti/Āda, mati un nagi/Herpes vīruss 0