HJERTEMAGNYL 150 mg/21 mg pills, 100 pcs.
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HJERTEMAGNYL 150 mg/21 mg pills, 100 pcs.

7.99 €
Expiration date: 2026-01-31
Hjertemagnyl 150 mg / 21 mg is used to treat acute and chronic coronary artery disease.
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Hjertemagnyl 150 mg / 21 mg is used for the treatment of acute and chronic ischemic heart disease (a disease characterized by a decrease in the blood supply to the heart muscle), for the prevention of recurrent thrombosis, for the treatment of heart diseases, including the primary prevention of thrombosis and acute coronary events (myocardial infarction / unstable angina) in people over 50 who have one or more symptoms that may indicate an increased risk of heart disease: hypertension (high blood pressure), hypercholesterolemia (high blood cholesterol), diabetes mellitus, obesity (body mass index (BMI)> thirty). Hyertemagnil 150 mg / 21 mg has a mild antithrombotic effect. It reduces platelet adhesion, thereby reducing the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, and arterial thrombosis.

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108046 HJERTEMAGNYL 150 mg/21 mg tabletes, 100 gab. https://e-menessaptieka.lv/et/p/hjertemagnyl-150-mg-21-mg-pills-100-pcs-108046 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/20/ed/373815e53cac80ae2c19373849ef.png InStock 7.99 EUR HJERTEMAGNYL 7.99 <p style="text-align:justify;">Hjertemagnyl 150 mg/21 mg lieto, lai ārstētu akūtu un hronisku sirds išēmisko slimību (slimība, kurai raksturīga samazināta asins padeve sirds muskulim), atkārtotu trombožu profilaksei, sirds slimību, t.sk. trombožu un akūtu koronārās slimības notikumu (miokarda infarkts/nestabila stenokardija) primārai profilaksei cilvēkiem pēc 50 gadu vecuma, kuriem ir viens vai vairāki simptomi, kas var liecināt par paaugstinātu sirds slimību risku: hipertensija (paaugstināts asinsspiediens), hiperholesterinēmija (palielināts holesterīna daudzums asinīs), cukura diabēts, aptaukošanās (ķermeņa masas indekss (ĶMI)&gt;30). Hjertemagnyl 150 mg/21 mg ir viegla antitrombotiska iedarbība. Tas samazina asins trombocītu salipšanu, tādējādi samazinot miokarda infarkta, insulta un artēriju trombožu risku.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medikamenti/Sirds un asinsvadi 0 Acidum acetylsalicylicum, Magnesii oxidum