HOLIKA HOLIKA Good Cera Super Ceramide emulsion, 130 ml
5.0 5 (5 reviews)

HOLIKA HOLIKA Good Cera Super Ceramide emulsion, 130 ml

5.0 5 (5 reviews)
20.99 €
Expiration date: 2027-05-20
Emulsion with ceramide perfectly moisturizes the skin and helps to restore its protective functions.
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Products from the Good Cera Super Ceramide line effectively moisturize and nourish dry, sensitive or irritated skin, thanks to hypoallergenic formula.

Emulsion with ceramides helps to normalize the water and fat balance in the skin, maintaining it in a healthy state throughout the day, perfectly moisturizes the skin and helps restore its protective properties, making it more elastic and tender. Promotes instant nutrition of deep layers of skin, restores skin-fat balance and saturates with vitamins and minerals. Neutralizes any painful reactions: irritation, burning, tingling, redness.

With acidity of pH 5.5, the product maintains the optimal level of moisture in the skin, preserves a healthy protective barrier.

Ceramides, solid or waxy substances of lipid nature (sphingolipids), which together with cholesterol and fatty acids form a lipid barrier layer of the skin. If the surface of the skin is damaged, ceramides fill gaps resulting from washing out, reduce skin permeability, reduce water loss and improve the elasticity of the epidermis.

Yeast extract in the product, which is obtained from the cell walls of baker's yeast, has polysaccharide (beta-glucan), which not only perfectly moisturizes the skin, but also increases immunity, protects skin cells from damaging effects of UV rays, stimulates the formation of collagen and glycoproteins, which improves the skin's defense mechanisms, increases its elasticity and firmness.

Camellia oil stimulates the production of collagen, softens, moisturizes, soothes and nourishes. It penetrates deeply into the skin, reduces moisture loss and strengthens the protective functions of the epidermis. It works well on dehydrated and dry skin types, gives a feeling of elasticity for a long time.

Does not contain artificial colors, artificial flavors, mineral oil, triethanolamine, talc, petrolatum, benzophenone.

1129545 HOLIKA HOLIKA Good Cera Super Ceramide emulsija, 130 ml https://e-menessaptieka.lv/et/p/holika-holika-good-cera-super-ceramide-emulsion-130-ml-1129545 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/f6/5d/f1487d11444ce074cd47b8b79dc1.png InStock 20.99 EUR HOLIKA HOLIKA 20.99 <p style="text-align:justify;">HOLIKA HOLIKA Good Cera Super Ceramide emulsija satur keramīdus, kas palīdz normalizēt ūdens un tauku līdzsvaru, saglabājot ādu veselīgu visas dienas garumā. Tas lieliski mitrina ādu un palīdz atjaunot tās aizsargfunkcijas, padarot to elastīgu un maigu.</p> <p style="text-align:justify;">Mitrinošā un barojošā emulsija sagatavo ādu turpmākai kopšanai. Veicina ādas slāņu mitrināšanu, atjauno tauku dziedzeru līdzsvaru un baro ar daudziem vitamīniem un minerālvielām. Zema skābes formula (pH 5,5) uztur optimālu ādas mitrumu un veselīgu barjeru. Keramīdi, kas ir lipīdi cietā vai vaska formā (sfingolipīdi), kopā ar holesterīnu un taukskābēm veido cilvēka ādas lipīdu barjeru. Kad ādas virsma ir bojāta, keramīdi mitrina sausākus ādas laukumus, saglabājot optimālu mitruma līmeni un samazinot mitruma zudumus, kā arī uzlabojot epidermas elastību. Rauga ekstrakts, kas atrodas kompozīcijā, tiek iegūts no maizes rauga šūnu sienām. Šis ekstrakts, bagāts ar polisaharīdiem (beta-glikānu), ne tikai lieliski mitrina ādu, bet arī pastiprina tās imunitāti, aizsargā ādu no UV starojuma, stimulē kolagēna un glikoproteīnu ražošanu, kas savukārt uzlabo ādas elastību un tvirtumu. Kamēliju eļļa stimulē kolagēna ražošanu, mīkstina, mitrina, nomierina un baro. Samazina mitruma zudumu dziļākos ādas slāņos, stiprina epidermas aizsargfunkcijas. Lieliska sastāvdaļa dehidrētiem un sausiem ādas tipiem - nodrošina ilgstošu elastību.<br />Nesatur mākslīgas krāsas vai smaržvielas, minerāleļļu, trietanolamīnu, talku, vazelīnu, benzofenonu.`</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Papildus sejas ādas kopšana 0 For women, For men