ICE POWER Cold gel, 150 ml
4.9 4.9 (21 reviews)

ICE POWER Cold gel, 150 ml

4.9 4.9 (21 reviews)
13.89 €
Expiration date: 2027-07-24
Ice Power cold gel quickly and effectively relieves pain, inflammation and swelling, as well as relieves muscles from excessive tension.
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Ice Power cold gel quickly and effectively relieves pain, inflammation and swelling, as well as relieves muscles from excessive tension. It is used in Ice Power for sprains, sprains, injuries, neck and shoulder pains, as well as for muscle relaxation after physical exertion.

109919 ICE POWER Cold gels, 150 ml InStock 13.89 EUR ICE POWER 13.89 <p style="text-align:justify;">Ice Power aukstais gēls ātri un efektīvi samazina sāpes, iekaisumu un pietūkumu, kā arī atbrīvo muskuļus no pārmērīgas spriedzes. Izmanto Ice Power samežģījuma, sastiepuma, traumu gadījumos, kakla un plecu sāpēm kā arī muskuļu atbrīvošanai pēc fiziskas piepūles.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medicīnas preces/Citi ārstnieciskie līdzekļi/Sildošie, atvēsinošie un citi ķermeņa balzami 0