ICONFIT Hydrolized Collagen powder, 300 g

ICONFIT Hydrolized Collagen powder, 300 g

8.39 €
2.80 €/G
Regular price: 11.99 €
11.99 €
Expiration date: 2026-06-19
ICONFIT Hydrolysed Collagen is a unique collagen powder with the highest level of purity produced without any chemicals.
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Food supplement!
A food supplement is not a substitute for a balanced healthy diet.
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

ICONFIT Hydrolysed Collagen is a unique collagen powder with the highest level of purity produced without any chemicals. Thousands of our clients have experienced the benefits of our pure collagen, which is why ICONFIT collagen is a bestseller in Baltics! According to research, the recommended daily amount is 10 g of collagen.

  • The most beloved pure collagen, with a protein content of almost 100%. Tens of thousands of our customers have achieved good results on their joints, skin, hair and nails. A true source of collagen, with 10 g of pure collagen per serving.
  • ICONFIT collagen is 100% chemical free and produced purely by natural processes.
  • Avoid low-collagen candies and capsules that only give you a fraction of the daily needed 10g serving. Real collagen benefits are proven in studies, using 10g of collagen per day.
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1143422 ICONFIT Hydrolized Collagen pulveris, 300 g https://e-menessaptieka.lv/et/p/iconfit-hydrolized-collagen-powder-300-g-1143422 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/5b/7b/4e6028193c25f5008295bcd61826.png InStock 11.99 EUR ICONFIT 11.99 <p><strong>ICONFIT hidrolizētais kolagēns</strong> ir unikāls kolagēna pulveris ar visaugstāko tīrības pakāpi, kas ražots bez ķīmiskām vielām. <strong>Tūkstošiem mūsu klientu ir izbaudījuši</strong><strong> mūsu tīrā kolagēna priekšrocības</strong>, tāpēc ICONFIT kolagēns ir <strong>vispārdotākais</strong><strong> Baltijā!</strong> Saskaņā ar pētījumiem <strong>ieteicamais diennakts daudzums ir 10 g</strong> <strong>kolagēna</strong>.</p> <ul><li>Iecienītākais tīrais kolagēns ar gandrīz 100% olbaltumvielu saturu. Desmitiem tūkstošu mūsu klientu ir uzlabojuši savu locītavu, ādas, matu un nagu veselību. Īsts kolagēna avots, kas nodrošina 10 g kolagēna dienā.</li> <li><strong>ICONFIT kolagēns 100% nesatur ķīmiskas vielas</strong> un tiek ražots tikai dabisku procesu rezultātā.</li> <li><strong>Izvairieties no konfektēm un kapsulām ar zemu kolagēna saturu</strong>, kas sniedz tikai nelielu daļu no dienā nepieciešamās 10g porcijas. Pētījumos ir pierādīts, patiesu labumu no kolagēna iegūst tikai lietojot 10g kolagēna dienā.</li> </ul> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas/Minerālvielu kompleksi/Kolagēns 0 For men