ICONFIT Zinc 25 mg capsules, 90 pcs.

ICONFIT Zinc 25 mg capsules, 90 pcs.

10.29 €
Expiration date: 2027-01-23
Bioactive Zinc in capsules.
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Food supplement!
A food supplement is not a substitute for a balanced healthy diet.
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
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ICONFIT Zinc bisglycinate is an antioxidant that is essential for the normal development and growth of the body and is essential for every cell in the body. Zinc is one of the most important minerals in the development and regeneration of teeth, bones and joints, hair and nails. Produced using the highest quality plant based pullulan capsules.

  • Contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system and affects nervous and reproductive health.
  • Protects cells from oxidative stress, helps keep nails, hair and skin health.
  • It’s good for your eyesight and supports strong bones maintenance.
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10120515 ICONFIT Zinc 25 mg kapsulas, 90 gab. https://e-menessaptieka.lv/et/p/iconfit-zinc-25-mg-capsules-90-pcs-10120515 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/3e/28/6500bbb4d4a72f056778e0f62f5b.png InStock 10.29 EUR ICONFIT 10.29 <p><strong>ICONFIT Zinc</strong> sastāvā esošais cinka bisglicināts ir antioksidants, kas ir būtisks ķermeņa normālai attīstībai un augšanai, un katrai organisma šūnai. Cinks ir viens no svarīgākajiem minerāliem zobu, kaulu, locītavu, matu un nagu attīstībā un atjaunošanā. Izgatavots, izmantojot augstākās kvalitātes augu izcelsmes pullulāna kapsulas.</p> <ul class="fusion-checklist fusion-checklist-1"><li> <div class="fusion-li-item-content">Veicina normālu imūnsistēmas darbību un atbalsta nervu sistēmas un reproduktīvo veselību.</div> </li> </ul><ul class="fusion-checklist fusion-checklist-2"><li> <div class="fusion-li-item-content">Aizsargā šūnas no oksidatīvā stresa, palīdz saglabāt nagu, matu un ādas veselību.</div> </li> </ul><ul class="fusion-checklist fusion-checklist-3"><li> <div class="fusion-li-item-content">Atbalsta redzi un nodrošina spēcīgus kaulus.</div> </li> </ul> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas/Minerālvielu kompleksi/Matiem, ādai un nagiem 0 For men