MAGICS Baby wet wipes, 72 pcs.
4.0 4 (1 review)

MAGICS Baby wet wipes, 72 pcs.

4.0 4 (1 review)
3.79 €
Expiration date: 2027-04-15
Magics Premium wet wipes gently cleanse baby's skin.
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Magics Premium wet wipes gently cleanse baby's skin.

They are impregnated with a special lotion that contains Aloe Vera extract.

Napkins are soft and pleasant to the touch, but at the same time they are quite durable.

A convenient plastic valve prevents the wipes from drying out.

Impregnation does not contain alcohol.

The wipes have a light, pleasant scent.

1143419 MAGICS Baby mitrās salvetes, 72 gab. InStock 3.79 EUR MAGICS 3.79 <div>Magics Premium mitrās salvetes maigi attīra mazuļa ādu. Tās ir piesūcinātas ar īpašu losjonu, kas satur Aloe Vera ekstraktu.</div> <div>Salvetes ir mīkstas un patīkamas taustei, bet tajā pašā laikā tās ir diezgan izturīgas.  Ērts plastmasas vārsts neļauj salvetēm izžūt. Nesatur spirtu. Salvetēm ir viegls, patīkams aromāts.</div> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Māmiņām un bērniem/Preces bērnam/Mitrās salvetes 0