MAVEX Intensive Skin Detox face cream, 50 ml
5.0 5 (1 review)

MAVEX Intensive Skin Detox face cream, 50 ml

5.0 5 (1 review)
78.99 €
Expiration date: 2027-11-30
Detoxifying, moisturising, purifying cream formulated with a balanced blend of plant-based and technological active ingredients.
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Detoxifying, moisturising, purifying cream formulated with a balanced blend of plant-based and technological active ingredients.
Made of extremely Activated Charcoal working in synergy with extracts of BurdockLavenderDandelionPlantainCorn PoppyArtichoke and Rose, plants characterised by a sebum-regulating, soothing, softening action, Crosslinked pure Hyaluronic Acid, a super-moisturising molecule with an anti-pollution effect, extract of Rhatany root, with a protective action against irritations and free radicals, and Panthenol combined with Allantoin, promoting elasticity and protecting the skin. It also contains Jojoba Oil and Milk Thistle Oil.

Skin Detox Cream cleanses the skin of the face from impurities and excess sebum, protecting it from environmental pollution.
Helps maintain proper hydration, stimulating cell function and giving the skin a plump, firm and radiant appearance. With an evident filler-lifting effect, wrinkles appear more stretched out and less evident, leaving the face firmer and more relaxed.

Suitable for all skin types, particularly skins containing toxins, dull, lifeless and dehydrated skins. 

Skin Detox Cream is a cosmetic product made up of 98% natural ingredients.
Suitable for all kinds of skin, particularly those containing toxins, dull, lifeless and dehydrated skins.
It has a pleasant texture with a silky, soft end result, it is quickly absorbed and is non-greasy.
To increase phytotherapeutic efficacy, Skin Detox Cream uses a biomimetic lamellar emulsion, a pharmaceutical technology used for the release of therapeutic substances that allows the active ingredients contained in plant extracts to be effectively delivered gradually and continuously, thus increasing their functional effectiveness.

1164365 MAVEX Intensive Skin Detox sejas krēms, 50 ml InStock 78.99 EUR MAVEX 78.99 <p>Detoksikējošs, mitrinošs, attīrošs krēms, kas izveidots ar sabalansētu augu izcelsmes un tehnoloģiski aktīvo sastāvdaļu maisījumu.<br />Izgatavots no īpaši aktivētās ogles, kas darbojas sinerģijā ar dadzis, lavandas, pienenes, ceļmallapas, kukurūzas magoņu, artišoku un rožu ekstraktiem, augiem, kam raksturīga sebumu regulējoša, nomierinoša, mīkstinoša iedarbība, tīra hialuronskābe ar superekmoistriku. Pretpiesārņojuma efekts, Rhatany saknes ekstrakts, kas aizsargā pret kairinājumu un brīvajiem radikāļiem, un pantenols kombinācijā ar alantoīnu, kas veicina elastību un aizsargā ādu. Tas satur arī hohobas eļļu un piena dadžu eļļu.</p> <p>Skin Detox Cream attīra sejas ādu no netīrumiem un liekā sebuma, pasargājot to no apkārtējās vides piesārņojuma.<br />Palīdz uzturēt pareizu mitrināšanu, stimulējot šūnu darbību un piešķirot ādai gludu, tvirtu un mirdzošu izskatu. Ar acīmredzamu fillera liftinga efektu, grumbas izskatās vairāk izstieptas un mazāk pamanāmas, padarot seju tvirtāku un atslābāku.</p> <p>Piemērots visiem ādas tipiem, īpaši toksīnus saturošai ādai, blāvai, nedzīvai un dehidrētai ādai.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Sejas krēmi 0 For women, For men