NEW NORDIC Hair Volume pills, 30 pcs.

NEW NORDIC Hair Volume pills, 30 pcs.

32.59 €
Expiration date: 2028-08-31
Hair Volume tablets contain zinc and biotin, which help maintain hair health, but copper promotes normal hair pigmentation. Contains natural plant ingredients.
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Food supplement!
A food supplement is not a substitute for a balanced healthy diet.
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The original Scandinavian food supplement "Hair Volume" tablets contain biologically active substances necessary for hair strength and beauty. Tablets of horseradish and millet extract, the amino acids L-cysteine and L-methionine, copper, biotin, zinc, as well as apple extract, which contains a lot of natural growth factor procyanidin B2, are produced in Sweden. Zinc and biotin help maintain normal hair growth, while copper helps maintain normal hair pigmentation, i.e. the natural color. The amino acid L-cysteine is an important part of keratin (the material that makes up hair). This is what gives hair strength and elasticity. Hair Volume tablets are recommended to maintain normal, healthy, bushy and beautiful hair growth.

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208005 NEW NORDIC Hair Volume tabletes, 30 gab. InStock 32.59 EUR NEW NORDIC 32.59 <p style="text-align:justify;">Oriģinālā skandināvu uztura bagātinātāja „Hair Volume” tablešu sastāvā ir matu stiprumam un skaistumam nepieciešamās bioloģiski aktīvas vielas. Tabletes no kosas un prosas ekstrakta, aminoskābju L-cisteīna un L-metionīna, vara, biotīna, cinka, kā arī ābolu ekstrakta, kura sastāvā ir daudz dabīgā augšanas faktora procianidīna B2, tiek ražotas Zviedrijā. Cinks un biotīns palīdz uzturēt normālu matu augšanu, bet varš – normālu matu pigmentāciju, t.i., dabīgo krāsu. Aminoskābe L-cisteīns ir svarīga keratīna (materiāls, kas sastāda matu) daļa. Tieši tas piešķir matiem stiprumu un elastību. „Hair Volume” tabletes ieteicams lietot, lai uzturētu normālu, veselīgu, kuplu un skaistu matu augšanu.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas/Minerālvielu kompleksi/Matiem, ādai un nagiem 0 For men