NEWSHA Men Inventive Care&Style cream, 125 ml
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NEWSHA Men Inventive Care&Style cream, 125 ml

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25.99 €
Expiration date: 2028-01-30
Inventive Care & Style Cream is the must-have for men who dream of well-groomed and strengthened hair that is easy to style.
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Inventive Care & Style Cream is the must-have for men who dream of well-groomed and strengthened hair that is easy to style. The contained lemongrass extract has a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect on the scalp, while stimulating hair growth and strengthening the hair roots. This not only optimally nourishes and strengthens the hair, but also prepares it for

subsequent styling. As a bonus: The cream is also suitable as a face and beard care.

1152906 NEWSHA Men Inventive Care&Style krēms, 125 ml InStock 25.99 EUR NEWSHA 25.99 <p>Progresīvās kopšanas &amp; ieveidošanas krēms ir līdzeklis, kas nepieciešamas ikvienam vīrietim, kas sapņo par koptiem un stipriem matiem, kurus ir viegli ieveidot. Produktā esošais citronzāles ekstrakts sniedz galvas ādas mitrinošo un nomierinošo iedarbību, veicinot matu attīstību un stiprinot matu saknes. Tas ne tikai optimāli baro un stiprina matus, bet arī sagatavo tos turpmākajai ieveidošanai. Bonuss: krēms ir piemērots arī sejas un bārdas kopšanai.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Kosmētika vīriešiem/Matu kopšanas līdzekļi 0 For men