NOREVA Cicadiane Soothing Repairing cream, 40 ml
NOREVA Cicadiane Soothing Repairing cream, 40 ml
22.99 €
57.48 €/Ml
22.99 €
Expiration date: 2027-01-30
A soothing repairing formula that accelerates skin repair for skin that has undergone various changes: sensitive, dry, damaged, irritated, post-aesthetic procedure, post-operative, etc.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
Product prices can vary in pharmacies
A soothing repairing formula that accelerates skin repair for skin that has undergone various changes: sensitive, dry, damaged, irritated, post-aesthetic procedure, post-operative, etc. Cicadiane® Soothing Repairing Cream has a unique patented formula, combining exclusive 450 kDa hyaluronic acid and Dermaseptine Ag+, which accelerates the skin repair process by 40%, protects, hydrates, soothes pain immediately and with a lasting effect, and limits bacterial proliferation to ensure exceptional aesthetic scar remodelling.Cicadiane® soothing repairing cream can be applied to the face, body and perimucosal areas from birth through to childhood and adulthood.
NOREVA Cicadiane Soothing Repairing krēms, 40 ml
<p><span data-sheets-root="1" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 11pt; font-family: Calibri, Arial; text-align: center;">Nomierinoša atjaunojoša formula, kas paātrina ādas atjaunošanos ādai, kas ir piedzīvojusi dažādas izmaiņas: jutīga, sausa, bojāta, iekaisusi, pēc estētiskām procedūrām, pēc operācijām u.c. Cicadiane® nomierinošajam atjaunojošajam krēmam ir unikāla patentēta formula, kas apvieno ekskluzīvu 450 kDa. hialuronskābe un Dermaseptine Ag+, kas paātrina ādas atjaunošanās procesu par 40%, aizsargā, mitrina, remdē sāpes nekavējoties un ar ilgstošu iedarbību, kā arī ierobežo baktēriju vairošanos, lai nodrošinātu izcilu estētisku rētu atjaunošanos.Cicadiane® nomierinošo atjaunojošo krēmu var uzklāt uz ādas. sejas, ķermeņa un perimukozālās zonas jau no dzimšanas.</span><br></p>
Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Ķermeņa ādas kopšana/Dermatoloģiskie līdzekļi
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