NOUGHTY Purple Reign conditioner, 250 ml
5.0 5 (2 reviews)

NOUGHTY Purple Reign conditioner, 250 ml

5.0 5 (2 reviews)
Regular price: 12.19 €
8.53 €
12.19 €
Expiration date: 2027-12-30
Conditioner for hair against yellow pigment.
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Banish brassy, yellow and orange tones and add a drench of moisture, with this tone correcting purple conditioner. Blonde, silver and grey hair is left looking brighter, fresher and rejuvenated. The 97% natural formula is enriched with blueberry and blackcurrant, to help keep hair looking and feeling healthy whilst replenishing lost moisture.

1143067 NOUGHTY Purple Reign matu kondicionieris, 250 ml InStock 8.53 EUR NOUGHTY 12.19 <p>Atbrīvojieties no misiņa, dzeltenajiem un oranžajiem toņiem ar šo toni koriģējošo, 97% dabīgo purpursarkano kondicionieri. Blondi, sudrabaini un sirmi mati izskatīsies gaišāki, svaigāki un atjaunoti. Bagātināts ar mellenēm un upenēm, lai palīdzētu saglabāt matu izskatu un mati justos veseli, vienlaikus atjaunojot zaudēto mitrumu. </p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Matu kopšana/Kondicionieri 30 For women, For men