NOVEXPERT Radiance Lifting Vitamin C Eye Contour eye cream, 15 ml
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NOVEXPERT Radiance Lifting Vitamin C Eye Contour eye cream, 15 ml

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45.99 €
Expiration date: 2027-03-30
Instant eye touchup results!
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

An eye contour treatment with 24-hour activity. During the day, an immediate lifting effect (flash action) and at night, an anti-ageing and smoothing action (long term).

The eye contour is at the centre of our concerns... Why is that? Because it instantly translates our state of fatigue and health. It shows the first signs of our skin aging (crow's feet wrinkles). Therefore, no alternative is possible. We must act immediately but also in the long term. You must demand both!

Two separate teams from the laboratory were therefore each given a very specific mission. Thefirst team had to identify active ingredients with immediate and compatible effects for the highly sensitive eye contour area. Thesecond team had to select the effective long-term anti-ageing ingredients adapted to the thinness of the skin in this area of the face.

Result? Objective achieved! An immediate "lifting like" effect and a smoother skin in the long term in the same tube!

1001459 NOVEXPERT Radiance Lifting Vitamin C Eye Contour krēms ādai ap acīm, 15 ml InStock 45.99 EUR NOVEXPERT 45.99 <p>NOVEXPERT nostiprinošs acu krēms ar C vitamīnu</p> <p>Produkts no līnijas ar C vitamīnu. Produktu ir radījuši franču zinātnieki un ārsti, kas specializējas ādas novecošanā. Acu krēms paredzēts lietošanai no 25 gadu vecuma visiem ādas tipiem. Krēms ir paredzēts acu ādas atdzīvināšanai, nostiprināšanai, izgaismošanai, pret pirmajām mīmiskajām grumbām un ilgstošai iedarbībai.</p> <p>Ātrs NOSTIPRINOŠS efekts: divi spēcīgi augu nostiprinošie līdzekļi palīdz izlīdzināt un nostiprināt ādu ap acīm.<br />GAIŠĀKA acu āda: hialuronskābe no iekšpuses aizpilda mazus ādas laukumus, palīdz savilkt ādu ap acīm. Acu āda izskatās gaišāka pateicoties C vitamīna un arginīna kompleksiem.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Sejas krēmi 0 For women, For men