ALTERMED PANTHENOL Altermed Forte 2 % hand cream, 100 ml
5.0 5 (61 reviews)

ALTERMED PANTHENOL Altermed Forte 2 % hand cream, 100 ml

5.0 5 (61 reviews)
6.10 €
Expiration date: 2027-10-17
Rejuvenating hand cream with a high content of D-panthenol, allantoin, vitamin E and avocado oil.
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Rapid temperature changes, dry air or contact with water - all of these factors can adversely affect the skin of the hands. It can become dry and cracked. Rejuvenating hand cream with a high content of D-panthenol, allantoin, vitamin E and avocado oil rejuvenates hand skin and creates a comfortable, gentle feeling. The cream is easy to apply, moisturizing thoroughly every time you feel the need to pamper your hands. Does not contain parabens.

1162032 ALTERMED PANTHENOL Altermed Forte 2 % roku krēms, 100 ml InStock 6.1 EUR ALTERMED PANTHENOL 6.1 <p style="text-align:justify;">Straujas temperatūras maiņas, sauss gaiss vai saskare ar ūdeni - visi šie faktori var nepatīkami ietekmēt roku ādu. Tā var kļūt sausa un sasprēgājusi. Atjaunojošs roku krēms ar augstu D-pantenola saturu, alantoīnu, E vitamīnu un avokado eļļa atjauno roku ādu un rada komfortablu, maigu sajūtu. Krēms klājas viegli, rūpīgi mitrinot ik brīdi, kad jūtat nepieciešamību palutināt savas rokas. Nesatur parabēnus.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Ķermeņa ādas kopšana/Roku kopšana/Rokām 0 For women, For men