PAYOT Creme No2 set, 1 pcs.

PAYOT Creme No2 set, 1 pcs.

4.8 4.8 (17 reviews)
94.99 €
Expiration date: 2026-11-30
The N°2 Duo is the perfect ritual for skin sensitive to winter cold and prone to redness. No. 2 skincare nourishes, soothes and calms irritation caused by damage to the skin. (50 ml +40 ml)
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The microbiome is the complete set of millions of living micro-organisms present on the surface of our skin. A genuine extension of ourselves, it fulfils a role as a protective barrier.

Changes in these flora under the influence of different factors (UV, cold, stress, hormones, etc.) make the skin hyper-sensitive: the skin overreacts to these types of aggression and can no longer defend itself.Drawing on these latest discoveries in skin biology, the Crème N°2 Cachemire strengthens and restores balance to the skin flora.

As well as this action, it moisturises and acts as genuine anti-skin stress care by calming sensations of discomfort and reducing irritation and redness. CC cream -  This multi-function soothing, corrective and anti-UV protection care is a genuine anti-redness weapon. Its tinted formula conceals redness, its calming action reduces redness, and its anti- UV SPF50 shield prevents redness from appearing. The ultra-fine texture melts into skin for natural colour correction. It is concentrated in encapsulated pigments, which are released on contact with the skin for improved adjustment to the complexion and a tone-on-tone effect. Fragrance-free

1148462 PAYOT Creme No2 komplekts, 1 gab. InStock 94.99 EUR PAYOT 94.99 <p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Bagātīgs mitrinošs krēms pret ādas stresu.</span></p><p>Atjauno ādas floras līdzsvaru, novērš diskomforta sajūtu. Mazina kairinājumu un apsārtumu – cīnās pret ādas stresu. Pasargā ādu no ārējas agresijas un mitrina to.</p><p>Āda ir maiga, mitrināta, dziļi nomierināta un starojoša. Ādas apsārtums un kairinājums ir izzudis.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">&nbsp;CC krēms</span>&nbsp; - Apsārtumu maskējošs un koriģējošs līdzeklis ar SPF 50+</p><p>Multifunkcionāls koriģējošs krēms ar hialuronskābi, vairoglapes ekstraktu un iekapsulētiem pigmentiem mitrina ādu, koriģē un apslēpj apsārtumu un nelielas ādas nepilnības. Nodrošina aizsardzību pret UV saules starojumu.</p><p>Vairoglapes ekstrakts. Dziedējoša un pretiekaisuma iedarbība. Veicina ādas dzīšanu.</p><p>Hialuronskābe ar augstu molekulmasu sadziedē audus, palīdz regulēt šūnu atjaunošanos, mazina kairinājumu.</p><p>Iekapsulētie pigmenti apslēpj apsārtumu un nelielas ādas nepilnības, pateicoties īpašajai krāsu korekcijas tehnoloģijai. Šie pigmenti kā hameleons pielāgojas ikvienam ādas tonim.</p><p>SPF 50+/PA +++ filtri pasargā ādu no UV starojuma un priekšlaicīgas novecošanas.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Dāvanu komplekti 0 For women