PROTO-COL Collagen Skin Plus capsules, 90 pcs.

PROTO-COL Collagen Skin Plus capsules, 90 pcs.
24.04 €
36.99 €
Regular price: 36.99 €
24.04 €
36.99 €
Expiration date: 2025-07-30
One formula for skin, hair and nails. Collagen Skin Plus is designed to promote the body’s own collagen production.
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Food supplement!
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One formula for skin, hair and nails. Collagen Skin Plus is designed to promote the body’s own collagen production. It contains a blend of essential ingredients to help increase skin hydration and support healthy hair and nail growth. Collagen and Hyaluronic acid are fundamental to the strength, health and appearance of skin, hair and nails.
- Rich in collagen Type I and Type III
- Features hyaluronic acid to help promote skin hydration
- Vitamins A, C, D and E to nurture and protect skin
- Zinc to help support healthy nail and hair growth
- Collagen per serving: 1060mg (3 capsules)
More about this product
PROTO-COL Collagen Skin Plus kapsulas, 90 gab.
<p>Viena formula ādai, matiem un nagiem. Collagen Skin Plus izstrādāts, lai stimulētu kolagēna izstrādi pašā organismā. Tas satur galveno sastāvdaļu maisījumu, kas palīdz palielināt ādas mitrināšanu un atbalsta veselīgu matu un nagu augšanu. Kolagēns un hialuronskābe ir būtiskas ādas, matu un nagu stiprībai, veselībai un izskatam.</p>
<ul><li>Bagāts ar I un III tipa kolagēnu.</li>
<li>Satur hialuronskābi, kas palīdz mitrināt ādu.</li>
<li>A, C, D un E vitamīnus, lai barotu un aizsargātu ādu. </li>
<li>Cinku veselīgu nagu un matu augšanas atbalstam. </li>
<li>Kolagēns vienā porcijā: 1060 mg (3 kapsulas).</li>
Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas/Minerālvielu kompleksi/Kolagēns
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