SAMBUCUS Kids syrup, 120 ml

SAMBUCUS Kids syrup, 120 ml

14.63 €
Expiration date: 2025-08-31
Immune and respiratory support. Black elderberry berry syrup with raspberry flavor.
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Food supplement!
A food supplement is not a substitute for a balanced healthy diet.
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
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Sambucus Kids pamex contains two carefully selected standardized black elderberry extracts that contain guaranteed amounts of polyphenols and anthocyanins. Extracts are obtained from specially selected ripe black elderberries (Sambucus nigra L.). Elderberry supports a healthy immune system and also helps maintain a healthy respiratory tract.

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1193294 SAMBUCUS Kids sīrups, 120 ml InStock 14.63 EUR SAMBUCUS 18.29 <p style="text-align:justify;">Sambucus Kids pamex sastāvā ir divi rūpīgi izvēlēti standartizēti melnā plūškoka ogu ekstrakti, kas satur garantēto polifenolu un antocianīdu daudzumu. Ekstrakti ir iegūti no īpaši atlasītām, gatavām melnā plūškoka ogām (Sambucus nigra L.). Plūškoks atbalsta imūno veselību, kā arī palīdz uzturēt elpceļu veselību.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas/Vitamīni ģimenei/Bērniem 20 For men