SANOHRA MAX CHILDREN ear plugs, 12 pcs.
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SANOHRA MAX CHILDREN ear plugs, 12 pcs.

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8.59 €
Expiration date: 2027-10-31
Small earplugs for children.
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SANOHRA max children soft, easy-to-form foam earplugs are ideal for medium hearing channels and provide a 33 dB high noise absorption effect. Read the instructions for use of unieverot before use. Ideal for narrowed auditory canals. You can connect a connecting cord. Can be used by children and also people with narrower ear cavities. Easy to use. Can be used several times.

10120262 SANOHRA MAX CHILDREN ausu aizbāžņi, 12 gab. InStock 8.59 EUR SANOHRA 8.59 <p style="text-align:justify;">SANOHRA max children ausu aizbažņi no mīksta, viegli veidojama putuplasta ir ideali piemeroti vidējiem dzirdes kanāliem un nodrošina 33 dB augstu trokšņu slāpēšanas efektu. Pirms lietošanas izlasiet un ievērojiet lietošanas norādes. Ir ideali piemeroti sašaurinatiem dzirdes kanaliem. Var pievienot savienojošu vadu. Var lietot bērni un arī cilvēki, kuriem ir ausu kaulu dobums šaurāks. Viegli izmantojami. Var izmanto vairākas reizes.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Māmiņām un bērniem/Preces bērnam/Cits 0 For men