SINCERO SALON Facial Roller Quartz massage roller, 1 pcs.
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SINCERO SALON Facial Roller Quartz massage roller, 1 pcs.

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Double-sided facial massage roller made of natural quartz.
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The massage reduces swelling and dark spots under the eyes, the skin becomes radiant and full of freshness, the elasticity of the skin improves. The massage stimulates lymphatic drainage and lymph circulation, enriching the skin with oxygen, reduces facial muscle tone, smoothing out wrinkles and small wrinkles. Acts with a lifting effect, improving facial contours. Contours the cheekbones and raises drooping eyebrows. In addition, each stone has its own natural and unique color. A massage that is ideal for all skin types.

1066413 SINCERO SALON Facial Roller Quartz masāžas rullītis, 1 gab. OutOfStock 23.68 EUR SINCERO SALON 23.68 <p style="text-align:justify;">Masāža mazina pietūkumus un tumšos lokus zem acīm, āda kļūst mirdzoša un svaiguma pilna, uzlabojas ādas elastība. Masāža stimulē limfodrenāžu un limfas cirkulāciju, bagātinot ādu ar skābekli, mazina sejas muskuļu tonusu, izlīdzinot krunciņas un sīkās grumbiņas. Iedarbojas ar liftinga efektu, uzlabojot sejas kontūras. Kontūrē vaigu kaulus un paceļ nokarenas uzacis. Papildus katram akmenim ir sava dabiska un neatkārtojama krāsa. Masāža, kas ir ideāla visiem ādas tipiem. </p> <p style="text-align:justify;"><a href=""></a></p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Aksesuāri/Sejai 0 For women