SNOREEZE against snoring nasal spray, 10 ml
2.3 2.3 (4 reviews)

SNOREEZE against snoring nasal spray, 10 ml

2.3 2.3 (4 reviews)
10.49 €
Expiration date: 2027-02-28
Snoreeze nasal spray for snoring. Intended for cases where snoring occurs due to a blocked nose (if there is an allergy, hay fever or during a cold).
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
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The aerosol is also great if the cause of snoring is a curved nasal septum. Snoreeze nasal spray containing natural substances coats the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and helps clear the airways. Helps protect against snoring for up to 8 hours. Efficacy has been substantiated in several laboratory studies. The product is made from natural substances. With a pleasant mint taste.

123401 SNOREEZE pret krākšanu deguna aerosols, 10 ml InStock 10.49 EUR SNOREEZE 14.99 <p>Aerosols ir arī lieliski piemērots, ja krākšanas cēlonis ir izliekta deguna starpsiena. Dabiskas vielas saturošais Snoreeze deguna aerosols pārklāj deguna dobuma gļotādu un palīdz atbrīvot elpceļus. Palīdz aizsargāt pret krākšanu līdz 8 stundām. Efektivitāte ir pamatota vairākos laboratoriskajos pētījumos. Līdzeklis ir ražots no dabiskām vielām. Ar patīkamu piparmētru garšu.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medicīnas preces/Citi ārstnieciskie līdzekļi 30 For men