STERIMAR Blocked Nose aerosol, 50 ml
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STERIMAR Blocked Nose aerosol, 50 ml

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Regular price: 10.49 €
6.82 €
10.49 €
Expiration date: 2026-02-28
Sterimar Blocked Nose spray is an effective solution to clear a stuffy nose. It contains natural sea water, which helps reduce swelling and ease breathing. Perfect for use during colds.
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Sterimar Blocked Nose spray with natural sea water effectively clears nasal passages blocked by colds, sinusitis, or allergens. Its fine mist reduces swelling and promotes easier breathing without irritating the nasal mucosa. Suitable for the whole family.

1152825 STERIMAR Blocked Nose aerosols, 50 ml InStock 6.82 EUR STERIMAR 10.49 <p>Sterimar Bloķēta deguna aerosols ar dabīgo jūras ūdeni palīdz efektīvi atbrīvot deguna ejas no aizsprostojumiem, ko izraisa saaukstēšanās, sinusīts vai alergēni. Smalkais izsmidzinājums samazina pietūkumu un veicina vieglāku elpošanu, nekairinot deguna gļotādu. Produkts ir piemērots lietošanai visai ģimenei.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span></p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medicīnas preces/Citi ārstnieciskie līdzekļi/Deguna un ausu kopšana 35