STERIMAR Allergic Nose solution, 50 ml
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STERIMAR Allergic Nose solution, 50 ml

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Regular price: 8.99 €
5.84 €
8.99 €
Expiration date: 2026-10-30
Sterimar Allergic Nose spray is designed to alleviate allergy symptoms like runny nose and itchy nasal passages. It contains sea water and manganese to soothe and protect the nasal mucosa. Ideal for daily use.
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Sterimar Allergic Nose spray is ideal for relieving allergy symptoms such as sneezing, nasal congestion, and itchy nostrils. Enriched with manganese and sea water, it naturally soothes and cleanses the nasal mucosa, providing fast relief.

192017 STERIMAR Allergic Nose šķīdums, 50 ml InStock 5.84 EUR STERIMAR 8.99 <p style="text-align:justify;">Sterimar Alerģiskā deguna aerosols ir ideāli piemērots alerģijas simptomu mazināšanai, piemēram, šķaudīšanai, aizliktam degunam un niezošām nāsīm. Tā sastāvā esošais mangāns un jūras ūdens dabiski nomierina un attīra deguna gļotādu, sniedzot ātru atvieglojumu.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span></p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medicīnas preces/Citi ārstnieciskie līdzekļi/Dabīgie ārstniecības augu aerosoli 35