TEPE Pure Unflavoured toothpaste, 75 ml
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TEPE Pure Unflavoured toothpaste, 75 ml

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Regular price: 9.49 €
4.75 €
9.49 €
Expiration date: 2026-11-30
TePe Pure™ Toothpaste unflavoured is a very gentle toothpaste without taste suitable for people with very sensitive gums and dry mouth. The toothpaste is without sodium lauryl sulfate and foam free for a comfortable and lenient brushing. This unflavoured toothpaste is vegan and not suitable for children under the age of 7.
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TePe Pure™ Toothpaste unflavoured is a fluoride toothpaste without flavour suitable for people with very sensitive gums and dry mouth. It’s a toothpaste without sodium lauryl sulfate, a foaming agent that can irritate sensitive oral tissues, for comfortable brushing. Daily cavity protection suitable for vegans since the toothpaste is free of egg and milk allergens. This toothpaste shouldn’t be used by children under the age of 7. The TePe Pure™ Toothpaste is an extra gentle toothpaste without taste made with few and carefully selected ingredients.

1146004 TEPE Pure bez garšas zobu pasta, 75 ml https://e-menessaptieka.lv/et/p/tepe-pure-unflavoured-toothpaste-75-ml-1146004 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/aa/6a/e99b522497dc548a5c9b43997d5b.png InStock 4.75 EUR TEPE 9.49 <p>TePe Pure™ zobu pasta bez garšas ir fluoru saturoša zobu pasta, kas piemērota cilvēkiem ar ļoti jutīgām smaganām un sausu muti. Tā ir zobu pasta bez nātrija laurilsulfāta — putojoša viela, kas var kairināt jutīgus mutes dobuma audus, lai nodrošinātu ērtu zobu tīrīšanu. Ikdienas dobuma aizsardzība, kas piemērota vegāniem, jo ​​zobu pasta nesatur olu un piena alergēnus. Šo zobu pastu nedrīkst lietot bērni, kas jaunāki par 7 gadiem. TePe Pure™ zobu pasta ir īpaši maiga zobu pasta bez garšas, kas izgatavota no dažām un rūpīgi atlasītām sastāvdaļām.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Mutes dobuma higiēna/Zobu pastas 50