VICHY Psoriasis Prone Scalp. Ps Olution - Kerato-Reducing Treating shampoo, 200 ml
4.9 4.9 (38 reviews)

VICHY Psoriasis Prone Scalp. Ps Olution - Kerato-Reducing Treating shampoo, 200 ml

4.9 4.9 (38 reviews)
19.99 €
Expiration date: 2027-09-30
Кератовосстанавливающий шампунь, обогащенный дерматологическими активными веществами, специально разработанный для кожи головы, склонной к псориазу.
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BRAND RECOMMENDED BY DERMATOLOGISTS. A kerato-reducing treating shampoo, enriched in dermatological actives, specially developed for psoriasis-prone for healthy looking hair. CLINICALLY PROVEN EFFICACY Anti-squames, anti-tingling, anti-itching. Instant soothing.* Immediately hair feels softer and shinier*, + 30% hydration.** TOLERANCE Hypoallergenic. Tested for sensitive scalp. Suitable for daily use. DERMATOLOGICAL ACTIVES 5% Urea to eliminate squames. 2% Salicylic Acid to exfoliate the scalp. 1% Glycerin to hydrate the scalp. TEXTURE 87% of patients find the texture pleasant*** 93% of patient find the texture easy to rinse*** 84% of patients find it foams well*** * self assessment on 50 subjects ** instrumental test after application of shampoo vs. classical shampoo *** consumer test on 50 subjects after 4 weeks of daily use

1222370 VICHY Psoriasis Prone Scalp. Ps Olution - Kerato-Reducing Treating šampūns, 200 ml InStock 19.99 EUR VICHY 19.99 <p style="text-align:justify;">Dercos PSOlution KERATOZI MAZINOŠS ŠAMPŪNS. GALVAS ĀDAI AR NOSLIECI UZ PSORIĀZI. Hipoalergēns. Novērš ādas zvīņošanos un kņudināšanu. 5% URĪNVIELA &amp; 2% SALICILSKĀBE UN GLICERĪNS. Formula, kas īpaši radīta galvas ādai ar noslieci uz psoriāzi, klīniski testēta dermatologu uzraudzībā, papildina esošo medicīnisko terapiju, iedarbojoties uz niezi un zvīņu veidošanos. Efektivitāte: nodrošina 5% urīnviela un 2% salicilskābe, tādēļ mūsu šampūns sniedz tūlītēju atvieglojumu, novērš ādas zvīņošanos un kņudināšanu.&nbsp;</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Matu kopšana/Pretblaugznu šampūni 0 For women, For men