VICHY Mineral 89 Rich face cream, 50 ml

VICHY Mineral 89 Rich face cream, 50 ml

4.7 4.7 (15 reviews)
Regular price: 34.99 €
24.49 €
34.99 €
Expiration date: 2027-12-31
A rich moisturizing face cream.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
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Under the influence of external factors, the skin barrier weakens and gradually loses more and more water, minerals, fatty substances, vitamins and hyaluronic acid.

VICHY'S SOLUTION: For the first time, Vichy Laboratoires' concentrated and skin-important ingredients are integrated into a rich, naturally high lipid cream to restore skin's lipid levels and skin's barrier function, while providing intense, long-lasting hydration. up to 72 hours*. [Hyaluronic Acid] 0.1% + [Vichy Volcanic Water Minerals] 18.9mg + [Vitamins B3 & E] 2.2% + [Squalane + Lipids] 16%. 

1144745 VICHY Mineral 89 Rich sejas krēms, 50 ml InStock 24.49 EUR VICHY 34.99 <p>Ārējo faktoru ietekmē ādas barjera tiek novājināta un tā pakāpeniski zaudē aizvien vairāk ūdens, minerālvielu, taukvielu, vitamīnu un hialuronskābes.</p> <p>RISINĀJUMS NO VICHY: pirmo reizi Vichy Laboratoires koncentrētie un ādai svarīgie elementi ir integrēti bagātīgā krēmā ar dabiski augstu iegūto lipīdu koncentrāciju, lai atjaunotu ādas lipīdu līmeni un ādas barjerfunkciju, un nodrošinātu intensīvi ilgstošu mitrināšanu līdz pat 72h*. [Hialuronskābe] 0,1% + [Vichy vulkāniskā ūdens minerāli] 18,9mg + [Vitamīni B3 &amp; E] 2,2% + [Skvalāns + lipīdi] 16%.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Sejas krēmi 30 For women, For men