VOCAL Lemon and Honey Flavoured lozenges, 24 pcs.

VOCAL Lemon and Honey Flavoured lozenges, 24 pcs.

7.99 €
Expiration date: 2025-09-30
24 lemon and honey-flavoured suction tablets. Iceland lichen, Vitamin C, Zinc, Honey, Hyaluronic acid.
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Important information
Food supplement!
A food supplement is not a substitute for a balanced healthy diet.
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Immune support**

Respiratory support*

Soothing and pleasant effect on the throat, pharynx and vocal cords

VOCAL contains Iceland lichen, vitamin C and zinc.

* Iceland lichen (Cetraria islandica) provides relief in case of irritation of the throat and the back of the throat. It has a soothing and pleasant effect on the throat, pharynx and vocal cords. Protects the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat.

**Vitamin C and zinc contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system and the protection of cells against oxidative stress. Zinc is essential for cell division.

More about this product
1145827 VOCAL Ar Citronu Un Medus Garšu sūkājamās tabletes, 24 gab. https://e-menessaptieka.lv/et/p/vocal-lemon-and-honey-flavoured-lozenges-24-pcs-1145827 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/0f/64/f090d36656208457994cdb84d9e0.png InStock 7.99 EUR VOCAL 7.99 <p>Imūnsistēmas atbalsts**</p> <p>Elpceļu atbalsts*</p> <p>Nomierinoša un patīkama iedarbība uz kaklu, rīkles galu un balss saitēm</p> <p>VOCAL sastāvā ir Islandes ķērpis, C vitamīns un cinks.</p> <p>*Islandes ķērpis (<em>Cetraria islandica</em>) sniedz atvieglojumu kakla un rīkles gala kairinājuma gadījumā. Nomierinoši un patīkami iedarbojas uz kaklu, rīkles galu un balss saitēm. Aizsargā mutes un rīkles gļotādu.</p> <p>**C vitamīns un cinks veicina normālu imūnsistēmas darbību un šūnu aizsardzību pret oksidatīvo stresu. Cinks nepieciešams šūnu dalīšanās procesam.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas/Minerālvielu kompleksi/Elpceļiem 0