ELMEX Sensitive Plus Complete Protection toothpaste, 75 ml
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ELMEX Sensitive Plus Complete Protection toothpaste, 75 ml

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Regular price: 9.79 €
4.90 €
9.79 €
Expiration date: 2026-05-31
Elmex Sensitive Plus Complete Protection Toothpaste is a toothpaste for sensitive teeth that contains stannous fluoride and zinc phosphate to provide complete protection for a healthy mouth.
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Elmex Sensitive Plus Complete Protection Toothpaste is a toothpaste for sensitive teeth that contains stannous fluoride and zinc phosphate to provide complete protection for a healthy mouth. Long Description - Take effective care of your mouth and sensitive teeth with elmex Sensitive Plus Complete Protection Toothpaste. This sensitive toothpaste contains clinically proven stannous fluoride and zinc phosphate technology that provides protection to help maintain strong teeth and healthy gums, while protecting sensitive teeth. When used daily, this toothpaste for sensitive teeth protects against cavities and gum irritation, while remineralising enamel and protecting against tartar build up. It also helps to restore the natural whiteness of your teeth. Look after your teeth and mouth with elmex Sensitive Plus Complete Protection Toothpaste.

1152390 ELMEX Sensitive Plus Complete Protection zobu pasta, 75 ml https://e-menessaptieka.lv/et/p/z-p-elmex-sensitive-plus-complete-care-75ml-1152390 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/c9/cf/a28c33dd4bb852d6bd1235d5e2c7.png InStock 4.9 EUR ELMEX 9.79 <p>Efektīvi rūpējieties par savu muti un jutīgajiem zobiem ar elmex Sensitive Plus Complete Protection zobu pastu. Šī zobu pasta jutīgiem zobiem satur klīniski pierādītu alvas fluorīda un cinka fosfāta tehnoloģiju, kas nodrošina aizsardzību, palīdzot saglabāt stiprus zobus un veselas smaganas, vienlaikus aizsargājot jutīgos zobus. Lietojot katru dienu, šī zobu pasta jutīgiem zobiem aizsargā pret kariesu un smaganu kairinājumu, vienlaikus remineralizējot emalju un pasargājot no zobakmens veidošanās. Tā arī palīdz atjaunot jūsu zobu dabisko baltumu. Rūpējieties par saviem zobiem un muti ar elmex Sensitiv.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Mutes dobuma higiēna/Zobu pastas 50 For women, For men