ORAL-B Pro Expert Professional Protection 2x75ml toothpaste,
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ORAL-B Pro Expert Professional Protection 2x75ml toothpaste,

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Regular price: 7.99 €
4.00 €
7.99 €
Expiration date: 2026-10-31
Oral-B Pro Expert Professional Protection toothpaste is clinically proven to be effective. It has been professionally developed with dentists, providing deep cleaning and 24-hour protection when brushing twice a day.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
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Oral-B Pro Expert Professional Protection toothpaste is clinically proven to be effective. It is professionally developed with dentists, providing deep cleaning and 24-hour protection when brushing twice a day.

Provides 24-hour protection against plaque when brushing twice a day

Provides a clean feeling throughout the mouth

Actively strengthens teeth by remineralizing enamel

Creates a protective barrier against bacteria and acids

Clinically proven to be effective, professionally developed with dentists

Toothpaste with a strong mint flavor

Recyclable cardboard packaging

1152385 ORAL-B Pro Expert Professional Protection 2x75ml zobu pasta, https://e-menessaptieka.lv/et/p/z-p-oral-b-pro-expert-prof-protection-2x75ml-1152385 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/fc/a2/6573ca14dab68be28932a6727c8f.png InStock 4 EUR ORAL-B 7.99 <p>Oral-B Pro Expert Professional Protection zobu pastas efektivitāte ir klīniski pierādīta. Tā ir profesionāli izstrādāta kopā ar zobārstiem, nodrošinot dziļu tīrīšanu un 24 stundu aizsardzību, ja zobi tiek tīrīti divreiz dienā.</p><p>Nodrošina 24 stundu aizsardzību pret aplikumu, tīrot divreiz dienā</p><p>Nodrošina tīrības sajūtu visā mutē</p><p>Aktīvi stiprina zobus, atjaunojot minerālvielas emaljā</p><p>Izveido aizsargājošu barjeru pret baktērijām un skābēm</p><p>Klīniski pierādīta efektivitāte, izstrādāta profesionāli kopā ar zobārstiem</p><p>Zobu pasta ar izteiktu piparmētras garšu</p><p>Pārstrādājams kartona iepakojums</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Mutes dobuma higiēna/Zobu pastas 50