112 Mustard cream-balm, 50 g
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112 Mustard cream-balm, 50 g

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2.61 €
Expiration date: 2028-01-31
Balm for local warming muscle massage, shoulders and back (lumbar region).
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

The ointment is intended for local warming muscle massage, shoulders and back (lumbar region). Under the influence of drugs, the rate of enzyme reactions increases, metabolism is activated, connective tissue elasticity is increased. The cream provides a long-lasting, deep warming effect that improves blood circulation and leads to muscle relaxation. The unique cream formula has a very effective absorption capacity, thanks to which the active ingredients of mustard are deeply absorbed through the skin, creating a long-lasting feeling of warmth.

11162383 112 Sinepju krēms-balzams, 50 g https://e-menessaptieka.lv/en/p/112-mustard-cream-balm-50-g-11162383 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/0e/30/a3dba64e1a0422bbcfafd8c071e0.png InStock 2.61 EUR 112 2.61 <p style="text-align:justify;">Ziede ir paredzēta vietējai sildošai muskuļu masāžai, plecos un mugurā (jostas daļā). Zāļu ietekmē palielinās enzīmu reakciju ātrums, tiek aktivizēta vielmaiņa, palielināta saistaudu elastība. Krēms nodrošina ilgstošu, dziļu sildošu efektu, kas uzlabo asinsriti un noved pie muskuļu relaksācijas. Unikālajai krēma formulai ir ļoti efektīva uzsūkšanās spēja, pateicoties kurai sinepju aktīvās vielas dziļi iesūcas caur ādu, radot ilgstošu siltuma sajūtu.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medicīnas preces/Citi ārstnieciskie līdzekļi 0 For men