ALWAYS Ultra Super pads, 8 pcs.
5.0 5 (3 reviews)

ALWAYS Ultra Super pads, 8 pcs.

5.0 5 (3 reviews)
2.99 €
Expiration date: 2027-01-02
Thin hygienic packages with wings.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Thin hygienic packages with wings.
The liquid-sealing gel prevents leaks, while the aroma neutralization technology blocks unpleasant odors. Packages are extended for added security, but the wings help hold the package in place.
Whatever the trouble for this day, Always Ultra, which creates a cotton-like feel and is especially gentle on the skin, will cover you! Although the packages are only 3 mm thin, they provide reliable safety and protection against leaks up to 100% of your comfort!

1192575 ALWAYS Ultra Super higiēniskās paketes, 8 gab. InStock 2.99 EUR ALWAYS 2.99 <p style="text-align:justify;">Plānas higiēniskās paketes ar spārniņiem.<br />Šķidrumu noslēdzošā želeja novērš noplūdes, savukārt aromāta neitralizēšanas tehnoloģija bloķē nepatīkamu aromātu. Paketes ir pagarinātas, sniedzot lielāku drošību, bet spārniņi palīdz noturēt paketi vietā.<br />Lai kādas nepatikšanas sagādātu šī diena, Always Ultra, kas rada kokvilnai līdzīgu sajūtu un ir īpaši maigas ādai, Jūs piesegs! Lai gan paketes ir tikai 3 mm plānas, tās nodrošina uzticamu drošība un aizsardzību pret noplūdēm līdz 100% Jūsu komforta sajūtai!</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Higiēnas preces/Sievietēm/Paketes 0 For women