BIODERMA Sensibio AR+ Bi concentrate serum, 30 ml
BIODERMA Sensibio AR+ Bi concentrate serum, 30 ml
26.59 €
88.63 €/Ml
37.99 €
126.63 €/Ml
Regular price: 37.99 €
37.99 €
Expiration date: 2027-05-31
Dual-action anti-redness concentrate for reactive sensitive skin
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies
Provides comprehensive, specific care for reactive skin with redness while targeting the signs of ageing. Reduces redness and visible small vessels and smoothes and firms the skin. Contains Rosactiv™ 2.0: this exclusive technology, inspired by unique NAOS ECOBIOLOGY approach, targets at the source the biological mechanisms involved in different types of redness and discomfort and visibly reduces these effects with long-lasting results. Bakuchiol helps restore skin firmness and smoothes fine lines and wrinkles. Biphasic texture. Non-sticky, non-greasy. Unfragnanced. Dermatologically tested.
BIODERMA Sensibio AR+ Bi koncentrāts serums, 30 ml
<p>Nodrošina visaptverošu, specifisku kopšanu reaktīvai ādai ar apsārtumu, vienlaikus mērķējot uz novecošanās pazīmēm. Samazina apsārtumu un redzamos sīkos asinsvadus un nogludina un nostiprina ādu. Satur Rosactiv™ 2.0 - šī ekskluzīvā tehnoloģija, kura radīta, iedvesmojoties no unikālās NAOS EKOBIOLOĢIJAS pieejas, mērķē uz bioloģisko mehānismu, kuri iesaistīti dažāda veida apsārtumā un diskomfortā, cēloni un redzami samazina to sekas ar noturīgiem rezultātiem. Bakučiols palīdz atjaunot ādas tvirtumu un izlīdzina smalkās līnijas un grumbas. Ar divfāžu tekstūru. Nelipīgs, netaukains. Bez smaržas. Dermatoloģiski pārbaudīts.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span></p>
Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Papildus sejas ādas kopšana/Serumi
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