BEAUTERRA Bio Calming intimate hygiene gel, 500 ml
5.0 5 (3 reviews)

BEAUTERRA Bio Calming intimate hygiene gel, 500 ml

5.0 5 (3 reviews)
Regular price: 13.99 €
8.39 €
13.99 €
Expiration date: 2030-08-30
A bio-certified cleanser with aloe vera and cranberry extract that gently cleanses and reduces the feeling of discomfort in the intimate area associated with redness.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

A bio-certified cleanser with aloe vera and cranberry extract that gently cleanses and reduces the feeling of discomfort in the intimate area associated with redness.

Adult intimate cleansing gel for daily use, also suitable for sensitive skin. The gel is free of parabens, phenoxyethanol, MIT, BHT, allergens and fragrance. Natural cranberry flavor. 97% natural ingredients.

1144791 BEAUTERRA Bio Calming intīmās kopšanas želeja, 500 ml InStock 8.39 EUR BEAUTERRA 13.99 <p>BIO sertificēts mazgāšanās līdzeklis ar alvejas un dzērveņu ekstraktu, kas maigi attīra un samazina diskomforta sajūtu intīmajā zonā, kas saistīts ar apsārtumu.<br /><br />Mazgāšanās gels intīmajai zonai paredzēts pieaugušajiem lietošanai ikdienā, kas piemērots arī jutīgas ādas kopšanas vajadzībām. Gela sastāvā nav parabēnu, fenoksietanola, MIT, BHT, alerģisku sastāvdaļu un aromātvielu. Dabisks dzērveņu aromāts. 97% dabas izcelsmes sastāvdaļu.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Higiēnas preces/Sievietēm/Intīmās kopšanas līdzekļi 40 For men