BEPANTHEN Plus 50 mg/5 mg/g cream, 30 g
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BEPANTHEN Plus 50 mg/5 mg/g cream, 30 g
5.39 €
17.97 €/G
5.39 €
Expiration date: 2027-07-31
Bepanthen Plus cream with dexpanthenol is used for the treatment of superficial skin wounds, abrasions and has an antibacterial/disinfectant effect.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies
Bepanten Plus cream protects superficial wounds from infection and fights existing infections. The cream contains chlorhexidine, which acts against bacteria, and dexpanthenol, which is rapidly converted into a vitamin (pantothenic acid) in the skin, which accelerates wound healing. Bepanten Plus cream is used to treat: any small wound that may be infected (abrasion, small cut and scratch, tear, light burn, dampness), inflamed and infected skin areas; cracked nipples when breastfeeding; only after consulting a doctor: for chronic wounds such as leg ulcers, bedsores, bruises from bedsores and surgical wounds; skin infections, such as secondary infections, in the treatment of other skin diseases (eczema, neurodermatitis, etc.).
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BEPANTHEN Plus 50 mg/5 mg/g krēms, 30 g
<p style="text-align:justify;">Bepanthen Plus krēms pasargā virspusējas brūces no infekcijas un cīnās ar jau esošu infekciju. Krēms satur hlorheksidīnu, kas darbojas pret baktērijām, un dekspantenolu, kas ādā ātri pārvēršas par vitamīnu (pantotēnskābi), kurš paātrina brūces dzīšanu. Bepanthen Plus krēmu lieto, lai ārstētu: jebkuru nelielu brūci, kas var tikt inficēta (nobrāzums, neliels iegriezums un skrāpējums, plīsums, viegls apdegums, jēlums); iekaisušas un inficētas ādas apvidus; saplaisājušus krūšu galus bērna zīdīšanas periodā; tikai pēc konsultēšanās ar ārstu: hronisku brūču, piemēram, kāju čūlu, izgulējumu čūlu, spiediena radītu jēlumu un operāciju brūču gadījumos; ādas infekcijas, piemēram, gadījumos, kad notiek sekundāra inficēšanās, ārstējot citu ādas slimību (ekzēmu, neirodermītu u.c.).</p>
Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medikamenti/Āda, mati un nagi/Brūces, apdegumi un iekaisumi
Benzocainum, Dexpanthenolum