BIOMD Aqua Detox eye cream, 15 ml
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BIOMD Aqua Detox eye cream, 15 ml

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Regular price: 16.95 €
11.02 €
16.95 €
Expiration date: 2027-04-22
Eye cream that helps eliminate toxins from the skin, protects it from environmental effects and free radicals, hydrates, and gives the eyes a fresh appearance by reducing puffiness and fine lines under the eyes.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies
4-in-1 FUNCTION - giving the appearance of:
• Detox: Purisoft® detoxifies and protects the skin against environmental stressors and free radicals
• Moisturising: Aloe vera has hydrating, healing, anti-aging function
• Fresh-looking eyes: Avocado Oil is rich in vitamin A, B1, B2 and D; helps with dark circles, puffy eyes, eye fatigue
• Glowing skin: Shea Butter helps develop stronger, softer skin, while Jojoba Oil helps fight wrinkles and treat acne blemishes

The tree of life or miracle tree (Moringa oleifera, horseradish tree), native to India, provides the basis for the ingredient Purisoft® with its seeds. The family of Moringaceae is cultivated in all the tropical and subtropical areas of the world. It is considered the „miracle tree“, because most of its parts can be used in pharmacological products and food. Purisoft®, due to its light molecular weight and its cationic behaviour, displays some exciting qualities. It protects the skin cells against environmental stressors as well as detoxifying and cleaning the skin through the elimination of contaminative particles.

Pulver of the seeds from the horseradish tree is used for example in the reconditioning of drinking water. Pure Detox moisturises the skin and protects it abilities against environmental stressors and free radicals due to its anti-oxidative abilities.
1152634 BIOMD Aqua Detox acu krēms, 15 ml InStock 11.02 EUR BIOMD 16.95 <p>BioMD Aqua Detox krms panāk, ka Tavas acis staro, un piešķir acu kontūrai svaigu un maigu izskatu! Šis detoksicējošais acu krēms palīdz izvadīt toksīnus, vienlaikus nodrošinot aizsardzību pret ārējās vides faktoriem. Piemērots arī taukainai vai aknei pakļautai ādai.</p><p><br></p><p>BioMD Aqua Detox acu krēms piedāvā četrkāršu iedarbību, pateicoties inovatīvajam Purisoft® sastāvam, kas iegūts no Indijas elpu koka (moringa) sēklām. Tas detoksicē un aizsargā ādu pret apkārtējās vides ietekmi un brīvajiem radikāļiem. Šis brīnumains augs, kas pieder Moringaceae dzimtai, aug visos tropu un subtropu reģionos pasaulē. Purisoft® attīra ādu no piesārņojuma daļiņām un aizsargā šūnas no vides faktoriem.</p><p><br></p><p>Lai nodrošinātu ādas maigumu un mitrumu:</p><p><br></p><p>Alveja – dabīgs mitrinātājs ar dziedējošu un pretnovecošanās iedarbību</p><p>Avokado eļļa – bagāta ar vitamīniem, tā atsvaidzina ādu un palīdz mazināt tumšos lokus un tūsku</p><p>Papildus sastāvdaļas:</p><p><br></p><p>Šī sviests – nostiprina un mīkstina ādu</p><p>Jojobas eļļa – palīdz cīnīties ar grumbām un ārstēt hiperpigmentāciju</p><p>Produkts ir cruelty-free, piemērots vegāniem un satur līdz pat 99% dabisku sastāvdaļu.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Ādas kopšana ap acīm 35 For women, For men