BIOMD Vein Vanish cream, 90 ml

BIOMD Vein Vanish cream, 90 ml
18.82 €
28.95 €
20.91 €/Ml
Regular price: 28.95 €
18.82 €
28.95 €
Expiration date: 2027-07-25
A cream that effectively treats spider veins by reducing existing ones and preventing new ones from forming thanks to collagen fiber stimulation. Vascular redness is significantly reduced within 28 days.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies
3-fold function; results give the appearance of:
• Inhibiting the formation of new blood vessels
• Decreasing the appearance of existing vesselsthanks to collagen fibres
• Up to 64% decrease in the redness of the lesions in 28 days
• Up to 77% decrease in the redness of the lesions in 84 days
Problem: VEGF Vascular Endothelial Growth factors trigger spider veins) and MMP Matrix metalloproteinase (facilitate the degradation of collagen).
Solution: Action of Dermochlorella DG:
• inhibiting the binding of VEGF on its receptor
• Inhibiting of MMP
• Stimulating of collagen fiber
BIOMD Vein Vanish krēms, 90 ml
<p>Sarkanās vai violetās līnijas uz ķermeņa, kas pazīstamas kā zirnekļvēnas, var radīt diskomfortu. Uzlabojiet to izskatu ar BioMD Vein Vanish krēmu!</p><p><br></p><p>Krēmam ir trīskārša iedarbība:</p><p><br></p><p>• Novērš jaunu asinsvadu veidošanos</p><p>• Uzlabo esošo asinsvadu izskatu, pateicoties kolagēna šķiedrām</p><p>• Samazina asinsvadu apsārtumu par 64% 28 dienu laikā</p><p>• Samazina asinsvadu apsārtumu par 77% 84 dienu laikā</p><p><br></p><p>Zirnekļvēnu veidošanos izraisa VEGF (asinsvadu endotēlija augšanas faktori) un MMP (matricas metāloproteināze), kas veicina kolagēna noārdīšanos. Dermochlorella DG, krēma aktīvā sastāvdaļa, palīdz novērst zirnekļvēnu veidošanos, kavē kolagēna noārdīšanos un stimulē kolagēna šķiedru atjaunošanos.</p>
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