BOSLEY BosRevive Non Color Treated Hair Nourishing shampoo, 300 ml
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BOSLEY BosRevive Non Color Treated Hair Nourishing shampoo, 300 ml

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Expiration date: 2026-04-30
BosRevive Nourishing Shampoo is uniquely formulated for those who want to help restore visibly thinning hair.
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Sulfate-free shampoo removes build-up, such as DHT, from the scalp surface, while cleansing hair of product build-up and pollution. Pumpkin Seed Extract and Saw Palmetto, natural DHT-blockers, combine with Rosemary Extract and Panthenol to help reduce scalp inflammation, increase scalp circulation and strengthen the hair to promote healthy hair growth. Maintains a clean environment for the appearance of thicker, fuller-looking hair.

1144983 BOSLEY BosRevive Barojošs Nekrāsotiem Matiem šampūns, 300 ml OutOfStock 29.99 EUR BOSLEY 29.99 <p>Sulfātus nesaturošais šampūns noņem no galvas ādas virsmas nogulsnes, piemēram, DHT, vienlaikus attīrot matus no kosmētikas produktu nogulsnēm un piesārņojuma. Ķirbju sēklu ekstrakts un zāģzobainā sabalpalma, dabīgie DHT blokatori, apvienojumā ar rozmarīna ekstraktu un pantenolu palīdz mazināt galvas ādas iekaisumu, uzlabo cirkulāciju galvas ādā un stiprina matus, veicinot veselīgu matu augšanu. Uztur tīru vidi, panākot biezāku, pilnīgāku matu izskatu.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Matu kopšana/Šampūni 0 For women, For men