BRONTEX 60 mg effervescent tablets, 10 pcs.
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BRONTEX 60 mg effervescent tablets, 10 pcs.

5.99 €
Expiration date: 2026-02-28
Secretolytic therapy in case of productive cough caused by acute and chronic bronchial and lung diseases, which is accompanied by disorders of sputum formation and excretion.
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It is used for the treatment of productive cough in acute and chronic respiratory diseases (for example: acute inflammation of the larynx, trachea or bronchi, chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Liquefies phlegm and promotes its release so that it is easier to cough up.

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1144448 BRONTEX 60 mg putojošās tabletes, 10 gab. InStock 5.99 EUR BRONTEX 5.99 <p>Lieto produktīva klepus ārstēšanai akūtu un hronisku elpceļu slimību gadījumā (piemēram: akūts balsenes, trahejas vai bronhu iekaisums, hronisks bronhīts un hroniska obstruktīva plaušu slimība). Sašķidrina krēpas un veicina to izdalīšanos, lai tās būtu vieglāk atklepot.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medikamenti/Saaukstēšanās/Klepus 0 For men Ambroxoli hydrochloridum