CALCIGRAN 500 mg/200 SV chewable tablets, 30 pcs.
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CALCIGRAN 500 mg/200 SV chewable tablets, 30 pcs.

5.99 €
Expiration date: 2025-07-31
This medicine provides you with extra calcium and vitamin D.
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Calcigran contains two active substances, calcium and vitamin D3. Both of these substances are found in the diet, and vitamin D is restored to the skin after sun exposure. In cases where your diet or lifestyle does not provide enough calcium and vitamin D3, or your body's needs are increased, this medicine provides you with extra calcium and vitamin D.

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103792 CALCIGRAN 500 mg/200 SV košļājamās tabletes, 30 gab. InStock 5.99 EUR CALCIGRAN 5.99 <p style="text-align:justify;">Calcigran satur divas aktīvās vielas – kalciju un D3 vitamīnu. Abas šīs vielas ir sastopamas uzturā, turklāt vitamīns D atjaunojas ādā pēc saules iedarbības. Gadījumos, kad uzturs vai dzīves veids pietiekoši nenodrošina ar kalciju un D3 vitamīnu, vai arī organisma vajadzības ir palielinātas, šis medikaments nodrošina Jūs ar papildu kalcija un D vitamīna daudzumu.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medikamenti 0 For men